Leviticus: 23. 10.
Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye be come into the land which I give unto you, and shall reap the harvest thereof, then ye shall bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest unto the priest.
The First of Regulars is giving God the first of what you receive regularly. This may be the income of the first month of a new year, or the first-day income of your monthly income, or even the first-week income of your quarterly income. The emphasis is on honoring the Lord with the first out of what you receive on a regular basis.
Our Scriptural text tells us that when you come into the land which is the New Year and shall reap the harvest, this could be your first month’s salary or your first week’s salary, or whatever you deem first of Regulars, it says to honor the Lord with it.
Will you choose to honor God with first of Regulars and believe that His words never fall to the ground or will you sweep this under the carpet like you do not know? Your decision determines what you get but choose His word so you can be an example to others that God still blesses today because you would surely testify as you obey. AMEN!
Prophecy 1: May your decision to honor God this year, distinguish you, and place you at the top in Jesus’ name.
Prophecy 2: As you step out today, may you hear the voice of the Spirit in Jesus’ name.
Action Points
W: Prayerfully consider what to release that will be counted as an honor before God.
X: I decree and I declare that weakness has no place in my life.
Saudi Arabia
62% are unreached with the Gospel of Christ. Saudi Arabia is the birthplace and stronghold of Islam. From Mecca, Islam holds influence over billions and permeates many cultures.
Y: We are praying that the hold of Islam is broken in the land.
Continuous Praying
Startup prayer: Dear Lord, I pray that my giving this year will honor you in Jesus’ name.