July 9, 2023
“Scriptural Text: 1 Kings 17:13 (NKJV)
“And Elijah said unto her, fear not; go and do as thou hast said: but make me thereof a little cake first, and bring unto me, and after make for thee and thy son”
Man is a logical being, wired to make decisions based on logic and reasoning by default. While this is good, it is important to note, that God operates beyond the realm of logic, and so when we walk with Him, He expects us to live by faith not by logic, so we can receive the fullness of His blessings.
The widow of Zarephath in our opening text today was living through the days of famine, and though she had just one last meal left for her and her son, she heeded the words of the prophet and gave it out in obedience. Not logical, many would say, but her obedience ensured that she never lacked again. Her faith pleased God and produced a miracle!
Each time we are faced with the opportunity to obey an instruction from God, we must be quick to remember the person behind the instruction, and therefore resist the urge to overthink that instruction. Train yourself to believe in the Word of God even when it does not seem to align with what you see in your life, and to obey His instructions regardless of how you feel, knowing that His ways are well beyond ours, and His Word will always produce results.
Remember, a life of obedience to God will always attract His blessings; blessings beyond what logic and reasoning can secure. Therefore, as you go about your activities today, be prepared to obey the voice of God’s Spirit as He guides you through His voice, through the Word or through His ministers.
💎 Thank you for reading today’s devotional. There are prayers that follow which can help you immensely.
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Father in the name of Jesus, teach me to operate beyond reason, and to key into the supernatural through my obedience to your Word, in the name of Jesus.
Known as the “Hermit Kingdom,” North Korea has chosen to isolate its people from the outside world. Once called the “Jerusalem of the East,” Pyongyang, North Korea’s capital, no longer can claim that title as many of its Christians fled to South Korea during the Korean War.
1. Prayer for the nation: Father in the name of Jesus, pour out your Spirit upon the nation North Korea, and cause there to be supernatural inroads for the Gospel in the nation, in the name of Jesus.
2. Prayer for the leaders: Father in the name of Jesus, raise unto yourself a new crop of leaders in every city who will fear you, and begin to work for your purpose in that nation, in Jesus Name.
🕍 PRAYER FOR ISRAEL – ( [popup_anything id=”5015″] )
Father in the name of Jesus, show your mercy and favour in this set time to Israel. Let your mercy not depart from Israel, in Jesus name.
Father in the name of Jesus, we ask that you will cause the spirit of love and unity to rest afresh upon the Body of Christ today, that we all may dwell together in unity, working together to fulfil your will on the earth, in Jesus Name.
Father in the name of Jesus, we bind and destroy every anti-revival strategy and operation of Satan in our city that tries to lure men away from you, in the name of Jesus!
Joshua 4 & 5,
Psalm 28,
Acts 8
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God bless you.