Mark 2:6 – But there were certain of the scribes sitting there, and reasoning in their hearts.
Just as we see in the parable of the sower (Mark 4:14), the Word of God is like a seed that when cast upon good soil and well nurtured, can bring forth much fruit. So, each time the Word of God is sown or dispersed upon us by the sowers (Pastors), we reserve the right to either “receive it” and allow it bear fruits in our lives, or ‘reason it” and repel it with all its benefits.
The Scribes in our opening scripture had seen Jesus say to the man who was sick of the palsy, “Son, thy sins be forgiven thee”, but rather than open up their hearts to affirm with the Words of the Master, they began to reason in their hearts about what He (Jesus) had said. This is the same scenario in many Churches today, where a lot of people like the Scribes, Pharisees, and “doctors of the law”; “doctors of all knowledge”, would rather sit and reason the Word of God, than receive it into their hearts.
But in contrast to this, as believers, we should rather cultivate the habit of opening up our hearts to receive and nurture the Word of God each time it comes to us. By so doing, you would be positioning yourself for a life of whooping fruitfulness. Hallelujah!
Prophecy 1: Receive grace to always receive the word of God and not doubt it in Jesus’ name.
Prophecy 2: As you step out today, may the love of God fill your heart in Jesus’ name.
Action Points
W: Guard your heart against offense; refuse familiarity with your pastor. Ask the Holy Spirit for help or report yourself to your pastor if offense is building in you.
X: I decree and I declare that I am diligent today!
77% of its population is unreached with the Gospel of Christ with Islam as the major religion. An infant Somali Church is emerging amid great tribulation. Somali Christians are despised and heavily persecuted, even martyred, but are also growing in faith and in vision.
Y: We are praying that the Christians in the land will be strengthened to hold on to their faith and not give up despite the persecution.
Startup Prayer: Dear Father, I pray that every word of God that I hear will benefit me in Jesus’ name.