July 8, 2023
“Scriptural Text: Galatians 6:1 (NKJV)
“Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.”
One of the easiest things to do when we witness the fall of a fellow believer is to criticize him or her. All of a sudden, we begin to see and talk about how careless and undisciplined such individual may have been in the face of temptation, so much that we forget to rescue his or her soul from the sin that has overtaken him/her.
The Bible says that love covers a multitude of sin (1Peter 4:8). In order words, we are not to expose or publish the faults of others by the way of gossip or tale bearing. Rather, we are to do as our opening text today shows us: to restore the fallen back into fellowship with God.
Just as you would not throw away your baby for wetting the bed, we are not to ridicule those who fall into sin. Instead, we are to protect them from ridicule while we prayerfully nurture them into maturity. Such is the nature of love, and it is what we have been called to demonstrate towards one another.
💎 Thank you for reading today’s devotional. There are prayers that follow which can help you immensely.
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Father in the name of Jesus, give me the grace to extend your loving hand to those who stumble, and to help them find their feet again, in the name of Jesus.
Known as the “Hermit Kingdom,” North Korea has chosen to isolate its people from the outside world. Once called the “Jerusalem of the East,” Pyongyang, North Korea’s capital, no longer can claim that title as many of its Christians fled to South Korea during the Korean War.
1. Prayer for the nation: Father in the name of Jesus, have mercy upon the people of North Korea, and set the people free from oppression to serve the Living God, in the name of Jesus.
2. Prayer for the leaders: Father in the name of Jesus, unto yourself a new crop of leaders in every city who will fear you, and begin to work for your purpose in that nation, in Jesus Name.
🕍 PRAYER FOR ISRAEL – ( [popup_anything id=”5015″] )
Father in the name of Jesus, show your mercy and favour in this set time to Israel. Let your mercy not depart from Israel, in Jesus name.
Father in the name of Jesus, we ask that you cause a new wave of revival to sweep through the Church today, causing a new bond of love and oneness amongst believers, in Jesus Name.
Father in the name of Jesus, cause the light of the Gospel to shine in the heart of the unsaved in this city, that they may see the light and be saved, in the name of Jesus.
Joshua 2 & 3,
Psalm 27,
Acts 7
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God bless you.