Acts 5:5,11
_And Ananias hearing these words fell down, and gave up the ghost: and great fear came on all them that heard these things.
It is appalling to see how much disregard the world has for the Church. However, this began to happen when the Church left her own place of regard and reverence for God, by yielding herself to various forms of compromise with the world. This was not so however, with the early church.
When Ananias and Sapphira who were renowned people in the Church both lied to the Apostle Peter and as a result fell down dead, the Bible records that great fear fell upon everyone far and near (Acts 5). This was one of many happenings in the days of old that birthed great reverence for God, His ministers and for the Church. Over time however, the Church has deviated from the fear and reverence of God, and compromised with the world so much that they (the world) have lost reverence for the things of God and His church. Simply put, the world has stopped fearing the church because the church stopped fearing God.
In order to restore the fear of God to the Church, every believer has a role to play – we must all repent before the Lord and begin to realign our hearts to the ways of unadulterated fear and worship of God. And as we do this, the Lord will cause great signs to be wrought amongst us again, such that will restore the fear of God to the Church and the world at large. Glory to God!
Prophecy 1: May the fear of the Lord be restored in our churches in Jesus name.
Prophecy 2: As you step out today, may new things begin in your life in Jesus name.
Action Points
W: Do you disregard Ministers of the Gospel? Do you desecrate His altar? Begin to pray that the fear of the Lord will fill your heart again.
X: I decree and I declare that the devil has no room in my life.
Bible translation remains a major ministry challenge. Christian literature is in great demand. Training national translation workers is now one of the greatest priorities for Bible translation in the nation.
Y: We are praying for more trained and effective Teaching Ministers to enter the Nation.
Startup Prayer: Dear Father, cause Your fear to be in me always in Jesus name.