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SEEK GOD IN REVERENCE, Devotional box, Daily Devotional, Pastor, Bible, Isaiah Wealth Ministries, Word of God, it begins with acknowledging God, prophet isaiah wealth, loving God, reverence towards God
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Isaiah 11:2

And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD;

For a long time, God has not manifested His glory in the Church like we heard of in times past and this is not because He wants to stay away or is not as powerful as He was, it is because the atmosphere we create most times is such that cannot host the manifest presence of God. God will not come to a place where He is not sought after with fear and reverence. 

The revelation of the fear of the Lord is a vital prerequisite to the glory because we cannot claim to desire a mighty outpour of God’s Spirit unless we truly know Him and honor Him as God. A believer or church that does not understand the fear of God cannot bear His power. We cannot fully represent God to our world and see them submit to Him without us first seeking Him wholeheartedly in holy fear and reverence. 

Therefore, beyond the causal desire to please God in your day-to-day life, you have to hunger after Him and engage in seeking God deeply, to have the revelation of who He is so that you may worship and fear Him as you ought to. When you do that, the Spirit of the fear of the Lord will come upon you and you would bear His power which is needed for a revival. Halleluyah!

Prophecy 1: Receive grace to seek hard after God in Jesus name.

Prophecy 2: As you step out today, may your commitment to God be unwavering in Jesus name.

Action Points

W: Make seeking God you heart-felt desire. Let it show in your prayer and worship life.

X: I decree and I declare that the beauty of the lord is upon me.


Trinidad & Tobago

The nation has 13% unreached with the Gospel and has 65% of its populace as Christians. The nation however, needs to move from a receiving mentality to a sending mentality.

Y: We are praying for effective teaching Ministries that will disciple the people in the way of the lord.

Startup Prayer: Dear Father, all I want is to please you, help me to seek you with all my heart in Jesus name.

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Picture of Dr. Isaiah Macwealth

Dr. Isaiah Macwealth

Dr. Isaiah Macwealth, also known as Isaiah Wealth for short, is a lover of Jesus, a renowned author, philanthropist, and Senior Pastor of Gospel Pillars Intl. Churches worldwide.

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Picture of Dr. Isaiah Macwealth

Dr. Isaiah Macwealth

Dr. Isaiah Macwealth, also known as Isaiah Wealth for short, is a lover of Jesus, a renowned author, philanthropist, and Senior Pastor of Gospel Pillars Intl. Churches worldwide.

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