Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. (Phillipians 4:6)
The word thanksgiving originates from the Greek word “eucharistia”. It is a public acknowledgement or celebration of divine goodness; a feeling and expression of gratitude or appreciation for something that has been done. It is not yet thanksgiving if it just ends with a feeling. It becomes thanksgiving when we express that feeling in words or actions.
The Apostle Paul uses this term repeatedly in his writings about prayer, which goes to show that prayer is not complete without thanksgiving. In our opening scripture, we see the use of the preposition ‘with’ in describing the unity between thanksgiving and prayers. This connotes that whatever form of prayers you bring before God, it is incomplete if it not accompanied with thanksgiving.
Could this be the missing link in your prayers? Evaluate how you have been presenting your prayers before God. If you are used to hurrying into His presence with your request and hurrying out without giving thanks at the end, you have to make amends, as thanksgiving completes the circle of your prayers.
Prophecy 1: May thanksgiving naturally proceed from you always in Jesus name
Prophecy 2: As you step out today, may your heart always be joyful in Jesus name
Action Points
W: Give attention to thanksgiving, make it a point of duty to begin and end with thanksgiving while praying.
X: I decree and I declare that my soul will bless the lord at all times
Over 99% are Muslims and 93% are unreached with the Gospel. Afghanistan is one of the least reached countries in the world. There are 48,000 mosques but not a single church building.
Y: We are praying for the doors of the gospel to be opened in the nation.
Startup Prayer: Dear Father, cause thanksgiving to resonate from me always in Jesus name