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Error of Exposing your Pastor

There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy; who art thou that judgest another. – James 4:12

We serve a God of order; whose orderliness is established in heaven and seeks to establish it here on the earth as well. The authority to judge, correct or expose belongs to God, and to whomsoever he decides to give it, like Jesus, who was bestowed with the authority from God to judge, correct, and expose (John 5:22).

Hence even though we saw Jesus in the Scriptures, call out and challenge the Pharisees, it is interesting to note that he taught his disciples to honor them because of their office (Mathew 23:1-3). Moreover, we see that even David was not going to raise his hand against Saul, even when it was clearly noticed by all, that Saul had left God and was walking in his own ways. (1 Samuel 26:11).

So it is important to learn from today’s lesson, never to attack or slander any Pastor because you do not reserve the authority to do so; before his master, he either stands or falls (Romans 14:4). Halleluyah!

Prophecy 1: May the light of God’s word be deeply rooted in your heart in Jesus’ name.

Prophecy 2: As you step out today, may you be fruitful in all you do in Jesus’ name.

Action Points

W: Never join others who enjoy exposing and revealing the mistakes and faults of pastors. Correct people who do such around you as well.

X: I decree and I declare that confusion is far from me!



77% of its population is unreached with the Gospel of Christ with Islam as the major religion. An infant Somali Church is emerging amid great tribulation. Somali Christians are despised and heavily persecuted, even martyred, but are also growing in faith and in vision.

Y: We are praying for more missionaries to flood the nation will the Gospel of Christ.

Startup Prayer: Dear Father, open the eyes of the church to this revelation and help the body of Christ to walk for the church and not against it in Jesus’ name.

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Picture of Dr. Isaiah Macwealth

Dr. Isaiah Macwealth

Dr. Isaiah Macwealth, also known as Isaiah Wealth for short, is a lover of Jesus, a renowned author, philanthropist, and Senior Pastor of Gospel Pillars Intl. Churches worldwide.

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Picture of Dr. Isaiah Macwealth

Dr. Isaiah Macwealth

Dr. Isaiah Macwealth, also known as Isaiah Wealth for short, is a lover of Jesus, a renowned author, philanthropist, and Senior Pastor of Gospel Pillars Intl. Churches worldwide.

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