April 15, 2023
Scriptural Text:
Titus 2:8 (Good News Translation)
”Use sound words which cannot be criticized so that your enemies may be put to shame by not having anything bad to say about us.”
Every relationship is founded on and strengthened by good communication. Whether it be a marriage, business relationship or community engagement, the ability of the parties involved to communicate freely and without ambiguity cannot be overemphasized.
The ability to communicate thoughts or ideas using choice words that paint a clear picture endears a speaker to his listeners and presents him as knowledgeable and competent.
In many cases, this first impression goes a long way in opening doors and winning hearts, even before the relationship progresses.
Thus, in your attempt to build better relationships, it is important to consider how you speak, and whether you use the proper diction and correct pronunciation of words, to begin with. How is your use of tenses, and how wide is your vocabulary? How discrete are you in your use of words? The tone of your voice is also an important consideration. These are important markers that set a person apart, especially if he intends to stands before great people.
However, the good news is that the resources to improve your communication skills are not far-fetched. Several software and online tools can be of great help. You may also consider enrolling in courses online that help teach the basics of good communication.
However you choose to get started, improving your communication skills is an investment you will never regret.
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Father in the name of Jesus, help me to be excellent in my communication, in the name of Jesus.
80% of its population are Buddhists. There is however an increasing response from the Buddhist majority, particularly monks to the Gospel of Christ, which is a huge answer to prayers.
1. Prayer for the nation: Father in the name of Jesus, we ask that you will cause the heart of the unsaved in Myanmar to become receptive to the Gospel, in the name of Jesus.
2. Prayer for the leaders: Oh Lord, we pray for the leaders of Myanmar, that their hearts will yearn for you, and that they will rely on you in all things, in Jesus Name.
🕍PRAYER FOR ISRAEL – ([popup_anything id=”6608″])
Father, I ask today that there will be peace in Jerusalem and that your purposes be established in that city. Amen
Father in the name of Jesus, we praying that the church leaders will walk in the light of God’s word, and that they will be effective in preaching unity, in the name of Jesus.
Father in the name of Jesus, we ask that as we go into our city to preach the message of the cross, that you will back our words with signs, miracles, and wonders, in Jesus Name.
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God bless you.