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REVERENCE PRECEEDS WONDERS, Devotional box, Daily Devotional, Pastor, Bible, Isaiah Wealth Ministries, Word of God, it begins with acknowledging God, prophet isaiah wealth, loving God, reverence towards God
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_Acts 2:43 – And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles._

Unlike what is obtainable today, in the days of the early Church, signs wonders and miracles were more easily wrought amongst the people because they feared God and reverenced His anointed ones. Our opening text captures one such example. 

In Acts 2, when the Holy Ghost came upon the brethren who were assembled in the upper room, cloven tongues as of fire rested upon them and they began to speak with new tongues. It amazed the people to hear them speak in their various languages, and then Peter arose with boldness and began to preach. The people saw all these and repented and were baptized. When the people saw all these, fear came upon every soul and only then, were many signs and wonders wrought by the hands of the Apostles. Previously, this could not happen because the people disregarded the Apostles. So, it took reverence to come upon the people for the wonders of God to be wrought in their midst by the Apostles. 

Do you want to experience wonders in your life today? If yes, then you need to constantly maintain reverence in your heart for the Supreme God, and for His ministers. Take a cue from the early Church and begin to do this right away.

Prophecy 1: Receive grace to constantly revere God and His ministers in your heart in Jesus name.

Prophecy 2: As you step out today, may you be distinguished for blessing in Jesus name.

Action Points

W: Repent of every time you have not revered God or His Ministers, and begin now until it becomes a part of you even in your sub-conscious.

X: I decree and I declare that I am a kingdom addict.



99% of its populace are Muslims. In earlier centuries the Christian Church was widespread but Schism, heresy and failures to translate the Bible into local languages resulted in foreign invasions and finally Islam took over. There are about 500 committed indigenous believers today, but only one-third of those meet together regularly for worship.

Y: We are praying for a mighty revival in the land thereby resulting in a massive harvest of souls.

Startup Prayer: Dear Father, thank You for this revelation, I ask for grace to live of reverence for You in Jesus name.

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Picture of Dr. Isaiah Macwealth

Dr. Isaiah Macwealth

Dr. Isaiah Macwealth, also known as Isaiah Wealth for short, is a lover of Jesus, a renowned author, philanthropist, and Senior Pastor of Gospel Pillars Intl. Churches worldwide.

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Picture of Dr. Isaiah Macwealth

Dr. Isaiah Macwealth

Dr. Isaiah Macwealth, also known as Isaiah Wealth for short, is a lover of Jesus, a renowned author, philanthropist, and Senior Pastor of Gospel Pillars Intl. Churches worldwide.

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