A man’s belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth; and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled- Proverbs 18:20
One of the most powerful weapons for experiencing an overflowing life is your mouth. Your mouth has the capacity and power to chart the course of your life. We see this greatly emphasized in scriptures over and over again.
It is written that you will have whatsoever you say. So, saying one thing consistently and expecting a different outcome will be an unfruitful exercise. It is so vital therefore to pay attention to the words you speak and also learn to deliberately speak words that will position you aright for the experience you anticipate. With your tongue you can position your life for the upward rise. What an ability and a blessing from God!
A closed mouth is a closed destiny. So, begin today to speak what you want to see about your life, your family, and your endeavors because the power of life is in your mouth! Your faith filled words will cause your life to align with that which God has said about you. Glory to God!
Prophecy 1: Receive grace to speak faith-filled words always in Jesus name
Prophecy 2: As you step out today, may you be distinguished for blessing in Jesus name
Action Points
W: Fill your heart with the word of God constantly so that only words garnished with faith can proceed from it always.
X: I decree and I declare that the glory of God is upon me today
Over half of its population are Buddhist while 56% are unreached with the Gospel. The country is increasingly opening up as economic progress continues. Most of the population was born after the Vietnam War and are more interested in capital gain and the outside world than Communist propaganda.
Y: We are praying that Gospel of Jesus Christ will prevail in Vietnam.
Start-up Prayer: Dear Father, I ask for grace to productive words and not destructive words in Jesus name