Many fail today because they fail to prioritize work over pleasure. Pleasure ought to be used as a reward for work done or progress achieved, and not as an end in itself.
Many fail today because they fail to prioritize work over pleasure. Pleasure ought to be used as a reward for work done or progress achieved, and not as an end in itself.
Becoming a person of success begins with the understanding that whatever level of result you have achieved, there is yet a higher level or place that you can attain. Therefore, adding value to yourself beyond the requirements of your present
Success without hard work is not guaranteed. Some people today have no work ethic – they are used to giving excuses and procrastinating, yet they want to prosper, but for every level of result you desire, there is the level or quality of work
With our hearts, we receive the Word of God, meditate, and receive faith, which becomes the bedrock of our walk with God. However, our flesh will never understand the will of God.
There is nothing more true than that a man would always reap what he sows (Gal. 6:7). Thus, it holds true also that work programmes a harvest of results. The right and
Getting the desired result in life, career, business, or ministry requires more that just putting in an effort. There is an extent that effort must go to eliminate obstacles and limitations in the accomplishment of your dream, and you must be willing to put in the necessary work to make it happen.
It is a known fact that without faith, it is impossible to please God (Heb. 11:6). Faith is a necessity in walking with God and an important requirement for receiving from God. Yet, our
Our opening text today shows us how God listens to the conversations of men and gives special attention to what is said. A book of remembrance is opened before Him each time you thank Him or talk about His goodness and faithfulness. But why does God do this?
The Word of God is the carrier of faith. Our opening scripture shows us that faith comes as we hear the Word. We can deduce therefore, that the more a believer fellowships
In our walk with God, it is important to press onto our next level. The Apostle Paul, in our opening text today, speaks of how he presses towards the mark, implying a deliberate and persistent effort to take the next step at all cost in order to fulfill purpose.