The entire system of the Earth is designed by God to show us that we cannot thrive by ourselves. Our sufficiency must come from God.
The entire system of the Earth is designed by God to show us that we cannot thrive by ourselves. Our sufficiency must come from God.
Prayer is the right and privilege given only to righteous men by God in discovering, creating, restoring, and enforcing the will of God in and around us by the release of sufficient quantities of eternity through the Spirit.
God’s faithfulness is not dependent on our circumstances. He remains consistent in His love, provision, and care for us
The challenge we often face is the fear of the unknown or the comfort of the familiar. But when we increase our capacity, we create room for God to work more powerfully in our lives.
When we fail to show up on time or overcommit to too many things, we fail to honor the time God has given us.
A positive mindset isn’t about ignoring reality or pretending everything is perfect. Instead, it’s about focusing on God’s truth, His promises, and His ability to work everything for good.
When we constantly depend on others to resolve our issues, we become stagnant and miss out on opportunities to develop the wisdom and strength God has given us.
When we cultivate joy in the Lord, we will realize that all things work together for our good and then, it carries us through every trial and allows us to maintain peace.
We sometimes forget that our bodies are not just ours—they are the temple of the Holy Spirit, and neglecting it dishonors God.
Sacrifice is the foundation for spiritual growth. To go deeper in Christ, we must consistently look for opportunities to pray, give, and share the gospel. Without these, we cannot expect to grow.
The Onesound Devotional Box is the official daily devotional guide of the Onesound Revival TV, a non-denominational fellowship which pursues a unified Body of Christ.