Our opening text reminds us that every effort we put in, no matter how small or mundane, should be done as though we are doing it for the Lord.
Our opening text reminds us that every effort we put in, no matter how small or mundane, should be done as though we are doing it for the Lord.
In life, the people we surround ourselves with have a profound impact on our spiritual journey. Friendships shape our character, influence our decisions, and either draw us closer to God or lead us away.
When God blesses you and you don’t recognize it, you’re unknowingly giving the enemy an invitation to steal because, in reality, you don’t even realize it’s yours.
When God speaks to you in prayer, worship, or as you study His Word, He imparts a promise in you that anchors your faith, equipping you to withstand even the most overwhelming circumstances
Today, it is very easy to get consumed by worries about daily needs—what to eat, drink, or wear. These concerns can weigh heavily on our minds, pulling our focus away from the most important thing: God.
Fixing our eyes on Jesus requires acknowledging His place in our lives as the source of our salvation and the only one capable of leading us to the finish line of our destinies.
Being accustomed to seeking God only in times of crisis is fast becoming trend among believers. God desires to be sought always and not used as a quick fixer.
The most beautiful thing about the Lord’s forgiveness is that it keeps no record of our past; to Him the errors of our past never happened. Amazing right?
In times of trouble or uncertainty, it’s human to want to rely on our own abilities, resources, or connections to get through.
When we prioritize the temporary over the eternal, we risk spiritual dryness and a life marked by pursuits that ultimately leave us unfulfilled.
The Onesound Devotional Box is the official daily devotional guide of the Onesound Revival TV, a non-denominational fellowship which pursues a unified Body of Christ.