From our scriptural text today, we see the Apostle Paul being led by the Spirit on where next to preach next. Even though preaching is a good thing, which we ought to do in season and out of season,
From our scriptural text today, we see the Apostle Paul being led by the Spirit on where next to preach next. Even though preaching is a good thing, which we ought to do in season and out of season,
Those who walk in the faith of Abraham regardless of their lineage are the seed of faith. When we believed in Christ and received Him, we became Abraham’s seed therefore heirs of the blessing,
When God created man in the beginning, the Bible says He came in the cool of the day to fellowship with man. He was not there to check whether Adam had watered the garden or pruned the flowers.
God’s forgiveness is more than just a mere pardon, is a total package which comes with peace, healing and restoration. Our text today stresses His resolve to restore lost years, and the days spent in the dark and lonely hole of separation from Him.
Many people today wonder why they are unable to preserve the blessings that they have received from God. Some others attribute their loss to the enemy, whereas the real reason is their own carelessness.
God takes you from level to level by training and building you up to master each level and thereby grow in wisdom and influence. In our opening text today, we see a reference to how Abraham received an instruction from the Lord to take a step of faith; his instant response and promptness is exemplary.
God takes you from level to level by training and building you up to master each level and thereby grow in wisdom and influence. In our opening text today, we see a reference to how Abraham received an instruction from the Lord to take a step of faith; his instant response and promptness is exemplary.
One of the most beautiful systems God has set in place is that of sowing and reaping. The fact that a farmer can put a seed into the ground and expect to reap a harvest in due time is thrilling. He is assured that his labour will not be in vain, so he continues to sow as an act of faith to reap a bountiful harvest in time.
Many times, we set out a routine of tasks to be done, oblivious of numerous factors that may hinder our productivity.
The first work of faith is to focus on being, not on speaking. This is why our opening text stresses that what we speak is a product of what has filled our hearts, that is, confession is first a product of being.
The Onesound Devotional Box is the official daily devotional guide of the Onesound Revival TV, a non-denominational fellowship which pursues a unified Body of Christ.