One of the ways we have learnt to appreciate our loved ones is by presenting them with gifts. This is an attempt to express how much they mean to us. With those gifts, we create a memorial of our love and commitment to them.
One of the ways we have learnt to appreciate our loved ones is by presenting them with gifts. This is an attempt to express how much they mean to us. With those gifts, we create a memorial of our love and commitment to them.
Gratitude does not only end with God. It is important to learn to appreciate specific people who have played a vital role in your life. This group of persons, according to our opening text today, are referred to as ‘fathers and mothers’.
God desires to establish joy as the foundation of your walk with him. The Bible says we are to approach His presence with singing and rejoicing and serve Him with gladness , underlining how important joy is to our walk with Him. In fact, every time you are joyful, you take another step into the tabernacles of God.
Thanksgiving is not a one-off thing; true appreciation never ends. However, many persons find it difficult to remember, not to talk of thanking the LORD for a blessing received in the past.
Thanksgiving separates us and the object of our thanksgiving unto God. It is a declaration that the one being ‘thanked’ is the source of the object of your thanksgiving.
To magnify means to make something big; like a magnifying glass in a laboratory. When a thing is magnified, it does not become big in an actual sense; rather it becomes big to our sight.
The be made “perfect” is to be made “complete, whole and lacking nothing”. It also means “excellent, flawless, finished and entire”. The prayer of thanksgiving perfects what God has begun to do in our lives.
Our opening text tells us to give thanks in everything. What does this imply? It means that we are to give God thanks regardless of the situation. In other words, our thanksgiving to God ought to be constant even when the situations we find ourselves are not. The Bible says that this is the will of God concerning us.
The story of creation in Genesis 1 highlights how God created various things on different days and set them in order on the earth. In the same way, God has planned and loaded new things in every new day for you to discover and enjoy.
Many times, we tend to focus more on what we lack rather than being grateful for what we already have. Many get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, rushing through the routines without taking a moment to appreciate the blessings of each new day, and acknowledging the goodness of God in their lives. This is not the right way to live.
The Onesound Devotional Box is the official daily devotional guide of the Onesound Revival TV, a non-denominational fellowship which pursues a unified Body of Christ.