Revival is a powerful and transformative experience in the life of a believer and the church at large. It is a time when the Holy Spirit, who is the administrator of a revival,
Revival is a powerful and transformative experience in the life of a believer and the church at large. It is a time when the Holy Spirit, who is the administrator of a revival,
Our opening scripture today reminds us that our victory is not attained through our own strength or efforts, but it is a gift from God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Some persons go through life with the feeling of despair, shame and defeat and as a result are unable to excel as they should. That is no way to live your life at all as a believer. Remember that Jesus wrought victory for us on the cross.
Every man is a product of his thoughts (Prov. 23:7). Thus, your ability to concentrate your mind on the right thoughts can determine how productive you will be on your job, in your home or business.
Inferiority is a feeling of inadequacy or lack of self- worth. This often manifests as timidity, which refers to being fearful,
Negative emotions are feelings that cause one to be miserable and sad. They include bitterness, anger, malice, unforgiveness, wrath, strife and envy. The Bible shows us that they are works of the flesh (Gal 5:21),
In a world that often prioritizes individual success and self-promotion, the idea of preferring one another in honour may sound absurd or unpopular, yet it is God’s will for us.
Prudence is a virtue that honours correction. In our opening scripture today, we are made to understand that those who heed correction demonstrate wisdom and understanding.
As believers, we are called to live in a manner that reflects the character of Christ. This requires that we constantly reflect on our lives to recognize areas where our thoughts and actions may not be aligned with His
In our opening text today, the Bible shows us the trajectory of the righteous man. Notice how such a man is compared to a light that shines brighter and brighter with each passing day. This speaks of great improvements by the day, from one level of glory to another.
The Onesound Devotional Box is the official daily devotional guide of the Onesound Revival TV, a non-denominational fellowship which pursues a unified Body of Christ.