April 20, 2023 Scriptural Text:Matthew 5:37 (NKJV)“But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the
April 20, 2023 Scriptural Text:Matthew 5:37 (NKJV)“But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the
April 19, 2023 Scriptural Text:Matthew 25:5 (NKJV)“Now while the bridegroom delayed, they all slumbered and slept.” More often than not, well thought out
April 18, 2023 Scriptural Text:Mark 1:35(NKJV)“And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place,
April 17, 2023 Scriptural Text:Ecclesiastes 1:16 (NKJV)“I spoke with my heart, saying, Lo, I have become great and have increased wisdom over all that have
April 16, 2023 Scriptural Text:Philippians 4:12 (NKJV)“I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things
April 15, 2023 Scriptural Text:Titus 2:8 (Good News Translation)”Use sound words which cannot be criticized so that your enemies may be put to shame by
April 14, 2023 Scriptural Text:Luke 15:18 (NKJV).“I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven,
April 13, 2023 Scriptural Text:Philippians 2:4 (NKJV).“Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.” Often
April 12, 2023 Scriptural Text:Ecclesiastes 7:1a (NKJV).“A good name is better than precious ointment” Regardless of how promising a person, brand or organization
April 11, 2023 Scriptural Text:Acts 20:35 (NKJV).“I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember
The Onesound Devotional Box is the official daily devotional guide of the Onesound Revival TV, a non-denominational fellowship which pursues a unified Body of Christ.