Often, it seems like all possible prayer points have been exhausted, leading to discouragement and the belief that there’s no need to pray the next day
Often, it seems like all possible prayer points have been exhausted, leading to discouragement and the belief that there’s no need to pray the next day
Faith is the engine that drives our relationship with God. It is the force that fuels our believe in God, and makes us unshaken in trying times.
To address this, it is important to understand that holiness is not just about avoiding sin but, about living in complete alignment with God’s will.
While the Holy Spirit does guide us in prayer, we must also develop the discipline to regularly meet with God. Relying solely on feelings or waiting for problems to arise weakens our spiritual defense and hinders our Spiritual growth.
Spiritual slumber goes beyond physical sleep; it is a state of prayerlessness and neglect of our spiritual responsibilities.
Prayer is a demonstration of our dependency on God—it says, “I cannot do it on my own, I depend on You.”
Prayer is a special privilege given to us by God to cause a change on the earth, and in our own lives. Our opening scripture today shows us that we can superimpose the Kingdom of God here on earth, causing the will of God to take effect here as it is in heaven. How profound!
Prayer is more than just speaking to God; it is a divine connection to His power that infuses our lives with strength and direction.
The entire system of the Earth is designed by God to show us that we cannot thrive by ourselves. Our sufficiency must come from God.
Prayer is the right and privilege given only to righteous men by God in discovering, creating, restoring, and enforcing the will of God in and around us by the release of sufficient quantities of eternity through the Spirit.
The Onesound Devotional Box is the official daily devotional guide of the Onesound Revival TV, a non-denominational fellowship which pursues a unified Body of Christ.