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Scriptural Text: Romans 8:26
"Likewise, the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. "
The Holy Spirit, who dwells within us, helps us in our weakness and intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. This means that when we pray in tongues, the Holy Spirit assists us in praying according to the will of God.
As believers, we have been predestined according to God's purpose (Ephesians 1:11). When we pray in tongues, our prayers activate and keep us in the purpose of God, ensuring that we live according to His plan.
This is why consistency in praying in the Holy Ghost should not be looked down upon. It is like calibrating your Spirit daily to stay in tune with the will and plans of God for you. So create a system that ensures you pray in the Spirit every day and as often as you can. This is the wisdom of God to give you the upper hand.
🙏 Startup Prayer
Dear father, I commit myself to you today. Help me to pray in tongues as often as I should in Jesus' name.
The Solomon's have a history of revivals in churches even up to 1990's. However, new charismatic networks and churches emerged in another wave of spiritual life. Presently, Evangelical and Charismatic believers have grown in number across almost all denominations.
Prayer for the nation:
Father in the name of Jesus, we ask that you will grant unto the ministries in Solomon Island, the wisdom to take advantage of the present state of the nation to draw many to the Lord by showing them the love of Christ, in Jesus name.
Prayer for the leaders:
Father in the name of Jesus, you are the builder of all things; cause the leaders of Solomon's Island to work together harmoniously and not be distracted by partisan politics, in Jesus name.
🕍 PRAYER FOR ISRAEL – ( Psalms 122-6 )(Ps 122:6)
Father in the name of Jesus, we ask today that there will be peace in Jerusalem and that your purposes be established in that city. Amen (Ps 122:6)
Father in the name of Jesus, we pray that you will take away from the church unhealthy competition, and help us to follow you completely in all righteousness, in Jesus name.
Father in the name of Jesus, we ask for the support of angelic beings, saints of old, and a manifestation of the person of Jesus as we go to reach out to the lost in our cities, in Jesus name.
Jeremiah 7 & 8,
Psalms 34,
Matthew 26,
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JANUARY 16 , 2024


  Romans 8:26
“Likewise, the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.


The Holy Spirit, who dwells within us, helps us in our weakness and intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. This means that when we pray in tongues, the Holy Spirit assists us in praying according to the will of God.

As believers, we have been predestined according to God’s purpose (Ephesians 1:11). When we pray in tongues, our prayers activate and keep us in the purpose of God, ensuring that we live according to His plan.

This is why consistency in praying in the Holy Ghost should not be looked down upon. It is like calibrating your Spirit daily to stay in tune with the will and plans of God for you. So create a system that ensures you pray in the Spirit every day and as often as you can. This is the wisdom of God to give you the upper hand.


Start-up prayer: Dear father, I commit myself to you today. Help me to pray in tongues as often as I should in Jesus’ name.


The Solomon’s have a history of revivals in churches even up to 1990’s. However, new charismatic networks and churches emerged in another wave of spiritual life. Presently, Evangelical and Charismatic believers have grown in number across almost all denominations.

Prayer for the Nation: Father in the name of Jesus, we ask that you will grant unto the ministries in Solomon Island, the wisdom to take advantage of the present state of the nation to draw many to the Lord by showing them the love of Christ, in Jesus name.

Prayer for the Leaders:
Father in the name of Jesus, you are the builder of all things; cause the leaders of Solomon’s Island to work together harmoniously and not be distracted by partisan politics, in Jesus name.

Prayer For Israel – (Ps 122:6) : Father in the name of Jesus, we ask today that there will be peace in Jerusalem and that your purposes be established in that city. Amen (Ps 122:6)

Prayer For Unity in The Church: Father in the name of Jesus, we pray that you will take away from the church unhealthy competition, and help us to follow you completely in all righteousness, in Jesus name.

Prayer For Souls/Revival: Father in the name of Jesus, we pray that the church will be a fellowship of believers, a people set apart from the world to serve you in newness of life, living in gracious union one with another, in Jesus name.

DAILY BIBLE STUDY:Jeremiah  7 & 8, Psalms 34, Matthew 26



About the Author

Dr. Isaiah Macwealth is a Kingdom-minded minister, whose daily goal is to reach all nations with the Gospel. This devotional is one of his many efforts to accomplish this. His ministry is built on Matthew 24:14.

Devotional Box is an impact driven devotional with several specialized versions. The Metamorphosis is the most general type which cuts across all works of life, ages and backgrounds.

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About Us

The OneSound Hope for Success Devotional is the official daily devotional guide of the Onesound Revival TV, a non-denominational fellowship that pursues a unified Body of Christ. The devotional content, designed to inspire hope and success, is discussed and aired LIVE every morning on OneSound Revival TV at 6.15am (GMT+1) and broadcast on its social media handles and via satellite daily, anchored by the author Dr. Isaiah Macwealth, and other anointed men and women of God. The devotional can be read in any language as it is designed with a multi-language plugin, so it can be shared all over the world.